Nomination Entry Form

Nomination Entry form for the British Inventor Award 2020

Category proposed
IndustryResearchInternationalSMEsLifetime achievement If you are not sure which one to select, check the detailed descriptions of the categories.

Information about you

Most of this section is optional – you are free to submit your proposal anonymously.

However, you might like us to let you know if your entry is selected as a finalist by the jury. Equally, if we need additional information about your entry, it would be good to be able to contact you. That is why we do require you to enter an e-mail address.

Your personal details will not be communicated to third parties or used by the ABII for purposes other than the British Inventor Award.


Supporting documents

You will be given the opportunity to submit documents with further information to support your nomination. Details on how to do so will be sent in a confirmation e-mail.


Additional declaration for self-nominees: